Swimming Pool Rules & Regulations
(Four Full Size Pools, Two Kiddie Pools, One Hot Tub)
(Four Full Size Pools, Two Kiddie Pools, One Hot Tub)
Outdoor Pool Hours are 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, 7 days per week
- You must shower before using the pool.
- An adult resident with valid clubhouse pass must accompany all guests at all times. Guests are limited to 5 per household unless an overcrowding situation exists when limits may be lowered.
- Children under 14 years will not be admitted to the pool area unless accompanied by a resident adult who shall be responsible for their safety and proper conduct.
- The following are prohibited in the pool area: Bottles, glassware or any other items of a breakable nature Chairs, furniture or similar equipment except where furnished by the HOA Water fins, floats, scuba equipment & similar swimming items Dogs, cats or other pets Ball playing, Frisbee or similar games Diving or jumping from the sides of the pool Horseplay, pushing, shoving dunking or running Swimming after dark or when pool is closed Changing of diapers
- Any person not toilet-trained must wear swimming diapers
- Clubhouse staff has full authority to expel or discipline any violators of the pool regulation posted signs, or any person whose conduct is objectionable.
- HOA reserves the right to close the pool for maintenance, inclement weather or sanitary reasons.
- Eating & smoking is restricted to table equipped decks only
- Use of swimming pools, saunas and all other facilities are strictly at the risk of the user.
Outdoor Pool Hours are 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, 7 days per week